How to Write a Compelling Dissertation Outline?

How to Write a Compelling Dissertation Outline?


All types of academic writing assignments are somewhat difficult for students to complete on time. To be able to start writing dissertation assignments students cannot only rely on creativity, they should also have some theoretical knowledge as well as an understanding of the structure and requirements of the task. 

Students who are in universities, have to do their assignments as it carries high marks which will be added to the theory exams. Therefore, to complete those assignments on time is mandatory and stressful at the same time. 

Some students with multiple dissertation assignments cannot always finish them, and therefore they seek help from dissertation writing services to make the pressure a bit less on themselves. 

This blog focuses on teaching students the ultimate ways for writing a dissertation outline by themselves. But even if the ways for them are time-consuming or confusing they always have the choice to select a dissertation writing help. 

Let’s dive into making the best dissertation outline possible! 


What is the purpose of a dissertation outline? 

Writing a thesis is going to the final point of your studies. Doing a dissertation needs a responsible approach while considering the requirements of the dissertation. With the help of an outline, you can save time and make your work look more professional. 

Here are some advantages of a dissertation outline:

  • A dissertation outline brings a sequence to your thoughts and your ideas, without repeating the same thing. 
  • An outline for giving a shape to your ideas that will help you to organise your ideas into a structured paragraph. 
  • With an outline, you will have a plan in front of your eyes which will be hard to miss. 
  • The dissertation outline also chronologically arranges the flow of your thoughts and merges them together. 


How to make a thorough dissertation outline? 

This section focuses on giving the proper ways of making an outline 


The title is the first component of a dissertation. Your job here is to present an overview of the topic you are working on in minimum words. In order to come up with a dissertation title you have to brainstorm some ideas and then highlight the main ideas for the title and also make use of the fun part while avoiding uncertainty. 


The abstract is the brief summary of the elements of a dissertation. After reading the abstract, the readers should get the perfect ideas behind your work. Therefore a proper dissertation involves an introduction, purpose, methods, dissertation proposal research results and conclusions. Keep the word count within 200-300 words. 



To build an outline on introduction chapter, there should be four central components:

Background information – introduce the readers your topic by giving the proper background for selecting this particular topic. 

Scientific importance of the research – here state the proper reasons for conducting your research on the topic. After all, the research question should introduce novelty into the scientific community. 

Boundaries of the research design – show the readers the framework of the research question that will be carried out and which parts of the chosen direction will be considered in the task. 

Hypothesis your research – try formulating a goal that is already revealed through your research.

Literature review 

A literature review is a chapter that in=s mandatory to show the under-researched components of your topic. First you have to monitor existing sources. Then select the most relevant ones, related to your field. Then identify the gaps and name the issues that need discussion. The last step is to draw a theoretical framework of your further research. 


Here, you have to show whether you used qualitative or quantitative or mixed methods, while explaining your choice. Mention who have participated in your study and what the requirements were. Then discuss the methods and procedures to collect and analyse data for your dissertation paper. Make sure to describe and analyse in this section the ethical issues you have come across in the research. The world limit here should be around 1500 to 2000. 


After the completion of your research, it’s time to present your discoveries. Here you have to describe the information that you gathered during the study. Make sure you are presenting your own discoveries regarding the topic. Be logical and concise in listing the main research findings. Note that this section highlights the visual material such as graphics, tables and charts. 


The section is where you are going to analyse your findings in relation to the problem statement in the literature review. You have to logically connect the details you have received during the research along with your objectives as well as the main research questions. Explain properly how the information is important for science and for the future aspect. 


This is the part of your dissertation where you will conclude. You need to summarise the information and results that you have achieved during the study. The conclusion chapter should be included with all your relevant discoveries and conclusions drawn from your research paper. It should be logical and brief. Also remember to state what scientific contribution your study makes and how it is useful for the community of science. 


This is where you need a list of literature sources that were used during the research. There are some accepted formats that your university goes by. Remember to add all the written, printed or electronic literary sources that you have gathered and put them under bibliography. 


Who to ask for help if students cannot handle a dissertation outline? 

Of Course the dissertation writing help- Quick Assignment Hub. They help students who find writing a dissertation outline difficult. There can be many reasons why students will avoid writing their outlines but in any way when the help is asked from the dissertation help, it will be given. They have their experts who have delivered over a thousand dissertation outlines to students of different universities in the UK. they know how the academic world needs and gives in return when submitted a perfect dissertation outline. 


Final thought 

Here is your compelling dissertation outline blog. Students who do not know how to write an outline, go through this blog and learn. Those who cannot give enough time to your assignments due to other assignments and other university activities or even don’t feel like doing it because of stress. Reach out to the dissertation writing services. Visit their website and know more about their service.
